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Join us for worship to give Him praise and seek out opportunities to strengthen your faith through our Sunday School and fellowship opportunities.  We hope to see you at St. Philip's Lutheran!



    Special Projects are:

    The Heritage at Lowman In-Gathering:  items suggested are lotion, body wash, deodorant, toothbrush and paste, tissues, word search puzzle books, candy, pretzels, and Lance crackers

    A box will be in the Narthex for any contributions to this project. Thank you for your help in making this project a success! 

    We will also be visiting shut-ins and working on our Golden Agers Project.

    October      20  WELCA Sunday 

                       Joint meeting at 6:00 pm.  We will be electing officers for 2025.         


                         Sponsoring a Hamburger Supper 

                             Tuesday, October 22, 2024

                                    5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

                                    Family Life Center

                                     Eat in or Take out

            We will not be selling tickets; it will be pay at the door. 

                        There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex.

    Plates:  Burger, homemade chips, baked beans, slaw w/condiments.

           Cost: $8.00 for one burger or $10 for a two-burger plate

          Please sign-up so that we know how many to prepare

                     Come join us for good food and fellowship

                                          ** PLUS **

                       BAKE SALE AT HAMBURGER SUPPER

                                    sponsored by WELCA

                                  Inside of Family Life Center

                             Stop by and pick up some dessert

               (no cooking or doing the dishes on a Tuesday night)

    Please have all baked goods delivered by 12:00 noon on October 22nd


    Our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 7th.


    The next meeting of the Church Council will be on November 10th.

  • PICs

    Sunday, October 27th - Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat

                           MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

                            PICS Annual Trunk or Treat

              We'll have:     - Fun Games           - Costume Contests

                                     - Cake Walks             - Dinner

                                     - And much more!

               We need your help to make this event a success!

                            If you would like to participate 

          decorating your trunk and passing out candy, making a cake,

    or contributing to the creation or purchase of new games, please contact Jaclyn.

                               We can't wait to see you there!


    Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3rd.

    DO NOT forget to set your clocks back one (1) hour before going to bed on Saturday night, November 2nd.


    On this special day, Sunday, November 3, 2024, we remember those of our Family of Faith who have been called out of this world into Life Eternal during the past 12 months.  We will be lighting a candle in their memory.  We hold these names before God in the Prayer of the People and thank Him for their lives on earth and for receiving our loved ones into His eternal care and keeping.


    Flags will be placed in preparation for Veteran's Day on November 3rd.  If you would like to personally place the flag for your family member, please call Joe Sease to coordinate the pickup of your flag.  Thank you!


    The First Session of the Annual Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, October 13, 2024, during our regular church service time.  At this session, the congregation nominated five (5) members to serve on the Church Council. Those nominated and willing to serve are:  Jerry Alewine, Valerie Haltiwanger, Bill Hester, David Hill, Buddy Lominick, Pat Meetze, Lorianne Riggin, Morgan Sease, Mike Stroud, and Christi Vinson

     The Second Session of the Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 10, 2024, during our regular church service time for approving the 2025 budget, voting to elect five (5) persons to serve on Church Council for a 3-year term and any other business and/or concerns.


    Adults and children are encouraged to complete one as you are able.  Sunday, November 24, 2024 is the deadline.


    RED POINSETTIAS at the price of $12.50/each may be given in honor or memory of a loved one.  They may be picked up following the Christmas Eve Service.  Poinsettias will be delivered and will be in the church beginning Sunday, December 8th.

    In addition to poinsettias, monetary memorials/honorariums for your loved ones may also be given

    Please complete the yellow envelopes in each pew and designate it for Christmas Honor/Memory.  The deadline for this information is Sunday, December 8th. 

    A bulletin will be printed listing these honorariums/memorials on Christmas Eve.


    Please join us in celebration and giving thanks at our Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 27th, followed by a pie social, in the Fellowship Hall.  All are encouraged to bring your favorite pie to share for this time of fellowship.


    Our children will be acting out the Christmas story as part of our worship service on December 15th.  We would like to incorporate older youth as part of the program for speaking roles.

    We also need help with costumes and other key duties that make the program possible.

    Please consider participating.

    A sign-up sheet will be in the narthex beginning September 1st and remain there through October 27th.


    Come let us sing for joy to the Lord. (Psalm 95:1a) The joyful Christmas season is quickly approaching.  Through singing we can share the real reason for the season.  Please prayerfully consider being a part of our Cantata choir to share the jubilant message of God's gift to us.

    CANTATA PRACTICE will be on Wednesday, October 23rd


    Regular Choir Practice will be on Wednesday, October 30th.


    Please provide any special requests for Altar flowers from March 2025 to February 2026 no later than December 31 to Beverly Hollowell.

    In addition, please notify Beverly of any requests to be removed from the Alter Flower list; any families that want to be combined together; or any Golden Agers who would like to remain on the Altar Flower list.

    Members can either text the request or provide the special request in writing to Beverly.

    Thanks to everyone for their support of this special church ministry.


    Pomaria Food Bank collection box is in the church breezeway and the narthex. Please consider donating non-perishable items when you are able. Thank you for your continued support.

  • W.P. Hendrix Scholarship: Bring your cans!

    Please bring your cans to donate at the designated bins behind the Family Life Center.  The recycled can donations are contributed to the WP Hendrix Memorial Scholarship fund. Your donations are greatly appreciated. The Lutheran Men in Mission thank you!